Thursday, February 4, 2016

Sitecore module for updated item detail or cache detail with in given time range

Hi all,
This is my first blog. if you found it useful so please do comment or if you need any update so please inform me. That module not affect your project in any sense. If you  don't need that module after some time so just delete the AO_Custom_Script folder in your website root. It never overwrite your other file it is separated from your solution.
Here i share with all of you a module which can get the list of the updated item, most updated item &
cache detail of item with in given time range.
That module is useful when you need  the information of last updated item.
Assume you got issue in sitecore or you need to review the only item which is recently updated so you don't have any way to know that according to my knowledge.
So by using that module you can get the list of the updated item & you also able to know about rendering detail on particular item.

For run this module please run this is on google chrome.

If i made any mistake so please update me.
Suggestions are welcome.
For use this module you need to follow given below steps:

1. At first you need to install given below package via sitecore package installer.

2.After upload the download package.(Download link are given below)

3. It store AO_Custom_Script folder in your website root folder.

4. AO_Custom_Script folder contain a SitecoreUpdatedItemList.aspx file. You need to run that file.

5. For run that file you need to type a url in web browser in the following way.
here above localhost = your website url

6.You see a screen like below:

7. In that inter face you need to first select the database in which you need to search.

8. after it you need to check the check-box according to need

like you need most updated item, all updated item or cache detail with in time range.

9. Result will show in tabular form & you can identify which item change after a particular date.

10. If you need update item list after a specific time than specify the time range.

11. Here in this module you have two option like for selecting the location.
You can specify the location in sitecore tree by copy paste the item path.
like : /sitecore/content/Home/Industries
If you need to search for all item under sitecore node than pass /sitecore.

12. If you can filter your search result or you need only updated item list that have a specific template id.
So you can also search updated item list on behalf of that.

13. First preference is template Id if you specify both path & template id so it show results bases on template id.

14. For selecting time range please run that page in google chrome.

15. After getting the result you also can export result in excel file as well.

For Download module :

Passdropit URL:
Password: pqD%8pF 

Arun Sharma
Sitecore Certified Developer

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